Monday Run
Improvers' Running Sessions



Monday improvers' sessions are aimed at those who enjoy running but may be quite new to it. Shorter than Wednesday runs, but usually including some form of speed work, the aim is to help new runners run more efficiently, improve stamina and gain confidence. Faster, more experienced runners are also welcome – depending on the session, you'll need to loop back to ensure we all stay together as a group. Sessions include track, hills and fartlek, as well as some gentler 5km runs.  

Here's what's coming up:
Date Detail
20th January Segment Chaser
27th January Roebuck Loops
3rd February Track
10th February Hills
17th February Segment Chaser
24th February Roebuck Loops
3rd March Track
10th March Hills
17th March Segement Chaser
24th March Roebuck Loops
31st March Fartleck
7th April Track
14th April Hills
21st April No Run - Bank Holiday
28th April Segment Chaser


Meet from 6.45pm at Marlborough Leisure Centre, set off at 7pm.